Don't keep score - By Eoin Lyons

This post is a little corner of the internet that isn’t discussing "Brexit" this week.
Business leader and author Harvey Mackay said “my golden rule of networking is don’t keep score”. This is something I’ve discussed in a previous post and some conversations in the last week have made me think a little more about it.
In the past couple of weeks I’ve had the opportunity to put good people together. In 2 cases the right person will get an interesting consulting opportunity in a growth business. The projects will be more successful as a result. Elsewhere 2 entrepreneurs will talk about a business opportunity and as a minimum they will have an enjoyable conversation and learn more about each other and their sector.
I was asked over the weekend by about how I would benefit. There may be a pint or dinner – people know me well - but that was not my objective. I’ve reflected on that question over the last few days and tried to understand my true motivation.
Firstly I was really pleased I was able to help. Things can always be improved. I think I’ve always been good at spotting how something would work better and identifying people (better than me) to make it happen. One of the consulting opportunities may well turn into a lucrative business. The person who is taking it on is much more suited than I am to take it to the next level.
I’m naturally interested in what others are doing and look for the positives. When somebody explains their job or business I’ll automatically think about why and how it will be a success as opposed to finding reasons it won’t.
In my current role I do have to sometimes say no and have to give difficult feedback on an idea. Judgement and decision making are core requirements. In the broader world, however, I can be more flexible and think about what is possible and I’m very happy to be an optimist.
I enjoy being included in the conversation and my opinion being heard. As long as that is the case good things will happen, often when I least expect it. I’ve mentioned my late Father before. After all these years people still get in touch to mention him going out of the way to help them and the difference he made. I can think of no greater reward.